Puppies in Need [Through My Lens Nr. 128]

These 6 little puppies were found abandoned in a wooded area/park on the outskirts of the city Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They were left there in their first months of life and there is no one to take care of them. My friends and I found them there and had to take care of them right way. I think someone dropped them off there in their first weeks of life. They pretty much had to fight for their lives in these cold winter days. The six puppies are friendly and desperately want to find a warm home and someone who will take care of them.

Now they have a big shot at finding a warm home in Netherlands, but getting them there has costs. They are safe now with my friend Selma, at her home, and a part of the money has been collected, but they still need to collect and pay 385,00 EUR (470 $) for transportation to get from Mostar to the Netherlands, and time is of the essence. The transport is scheduled in the first week of February and now their only wish is to find good people who will help them with the costs so that they can find a permanent home and happy life.

I hope to share a success story with you soon!

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