Life in November [Through My Lens Nr. 119]

November is the start of the darker time of year. The days are shorter, life is much more concentrated on the inside and the promise of a cold winter is in the air. In that time I like to get as much light as possible. Wherever I can find it. Heat too. Especially if it comes from the stove. I like to potter about in the kitchen more and more these days. I made some great turkey meatballs in tomato sauce and a delicious version of creamed spinach (with fresh spinach obviously). If you like I can write up the recipes. The meatballs especially are tender, juicy and foolproof! On the other front, I have been cleaning the house, preparing it for the cold season. Some do spring cleaning, I like to add autumn cleaning to that as well.

Beni has been enjoying the days as well. He likes to get every bit of sunlight and then enjoy some of his treats in bed. I hope the darker season has been treating you kindly so far. Thank you all for the lovely comments and feedback on the Iceland travel series. It has been a blast so far writing about it and editing the images. I will link up the latest parts down below, and you can expect three new parts within this week.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!


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