Life on the Airport [Through My Lens Nr. 116]

I love airports. Though I had a hard time getting rid of my fear of flying, I have always loved the busy but organized way airports work. I love seeing travelers, shops and gates. That's why I love layovers (most people loath them). I use the time to walk around, take pictures, and if the airport is big, look at the departure table and wonder where the next flight could take me. So for this post I wanted to show some images from the Munich Airport which is really nice. We arrived there early in the morning, but waited for our flight to Reykjavik a good amount of time. I hope to share an update post from Iceland during the week, but until then here are some travel images from the airport so far.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

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